Liability for asbestos related injuries and the role of experts in a comparative perspectivePhD student: Mr F. Sobczak
Promotors: Prof G.E. van Maanen, D.M.R. Townend
Duration: 1/9/2007 - 31/8/2012
PhD defence: Maastricht, 17/1/2013
This research project explores the practical and theoretical consequences of the new theory of 'proportional liability' and focuses on the problematic communication between judges and epidemiologist experts in this respect and seeks to find solutions to these problems. The research will also compare the so called 'omkeringsregel' and the res ipsa loquitor rule to the proportional liability and will set out in which situations both of these theories are being applied and should be applied. It will compare the findings to the English and German way of handling uncertain causality.