Islamic divorces in Europe. Bridging the gap between European and Islamic legal ordersPromovendus: Mw. Dr. P.M. Kruiniger-van Maanen
Promotores: Prof.Mr. G.R. de Groot, Mw. Dr. S.W.E. Rutten
Duur: 1/9/2007 - 31/8/2012
Promotie: Maastricht, 17/12/2014
Recognition of Islamic divorces is complicated since especially the unilateral forms, like repudiation and khul', are considered to infringe basic fundamental rights and public policy of European states. The consequence of non-recognition can be disadvantageous to women in view of the economic and social effects of being regarded as still being married. This research aims to determine which recognition policy would be most favourable to women in view of their status and rights, and thus aimed at their integration and emancipation. The characterization of the peculiar legal nature of an Islamic divorce will be relevant in this respect.