The liberalization aand the need of Emergency Safeguard Mechanism for developing member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)PhD student: Mrs D.R. Natakusumah
Promotor: Prof P.L.H. van den Bossche
Duration: 1/9/2008 - 31/8/2012
The analysis of the importance and need of the Emergency Safeguard Mechanism (ESM) for Developing Member Countries of the WTO under the General Agreement on the Trade in Services (GATS) by taking comparisons to the experience of the ESM on trade in goods under the GATT. The research will also examine the experience of the ESM on trade in services under the regional trade agreement. In final chapter, the research willformulate the elaborate formulation on the EMS on trade in services to be implemented and to propose them as an Annex on the ESM on trade in services under the GATS.