National policy space in the WTO general agreement on trade in services: With special reference to public health servicesPhD student: Mrs N.M. Mendis
Promotor: Prof P.L.H. van den Bossche
Duration: 1/9/2008 - 31/8/2012
PhD defence: Maastricht, 18/6/2020
The central research question is: Can there can be adequate protection of core societal values within the trade liberalization framework of the WTO GATS or are there additional, overriding principles and legal obligations in international law and policy to which GATS must be subject, which offers the flexibility needed by States to protect their societal interests? The expected outcome of the study is the identification and analysis of core societal values, of protections within GATS and of the above-mentioned other principles and legal obligations and the means and methods of utilizing them for the protection of the said values, if necessary.