The role of European citizenship in the constitutionalization of the European UnionPromovendus: Mw. Prof. H. van Eijken
Promotor: Mw. Prof.Mr. S. Prechal
Duur: 1/9/2008 - 31/8/2013
Promotie: Utrecht, 17/10/2014
Since the introduction of European citizenship in 1993 the rights of European citizens are developed to a large extent trough the case law of the Court of Justice. The Court of Justice extended the material scope of the rights of the citizens and labeled European citizenship as the fundamental status of the citizens of the Member States. This research goes beyond the material debate, and will focus on the constitutional developments by exploring inter alia the effects on the vertical division of powers. The research will furthermore discuss the relationship between the fundamental rights, democracy and European citizenship and the effects of European citizenship and the scope and method of judicial review. Finally the question whether the case law (and legislation) on European citizenship creates hierarchy in norms of European law will be addressed.