Europese beginselen van goed markttoezichtPromovendus: Mw. M. Aelen
Promotor: Mw. Prof.Mr. A.T. Ottow
Duur: 1/2/2010 - 31/1/2014
Promotie: Utrecht, 26/9/2014
European legislation on the supervision of markets has become increasingly important. The starting point was that national law determines the supervisory institutions and procedures for the application of the European market rules. The hypothesis of this study is that European law substantially influences the autonomy of the Member States to regulate the supervision of markets. However, a European vision on market supervision is lacking. With the help of a horizontal, multi disciplinary analysis the commonalities and differences between (the operation of) different European supervisory regimes are identified. The ultimate goal is to formulate European principles of good market supervision.