The Detention of Asylum Seekers in Australia and the European Union - A Comparative AnalysisPromovendus: Dr. M. Provera
Promotor: Mw. Prof.Dr. H.E.G.S. Schneider
Duur: 1/1/2010 - 31/8/2011
Promotie: Maastricht, 16/5/2013
Placed within the context of each jurisdictions\' migration and asylum paradigms, the research identifies the international standards surrounding the detention of asylum seekers and proceeds to comparatively analyse the laws and policies of Australia and the European Union in four key areas: circumstances in which detention may arise; review mechanisms; conditions of detention; and alternatives to detention. The research seeks to explore to what extent, if any, are there degrees of convergence (or, indeed, divergence) in the laws and policies of both jurisdictions as well as the extent of their respective embrace of, and compliance with, the international standards.