Distributional choices in climate change policy; in search of a legal frameworkPhD student: Dr J. de Cendra de Larragán
Promotors: Prof M.G. Faure, Mrs Dr M.G.W.M. Peeters
Duration: 1/10/2005 - 30/9/2009
PhD defence: Maastricht, 4/3/2010
Within climate change policy, states must make distributional choices for implementing the targets as concluded on the supranational level. From a legal point of view the question arises to what legal criteria the distribution of the burden of climate change policy among and within the sectors in society must correspond. This research will explore legal principles for distributing climate change measures and costs. It will examine distributional choices at the European level and national level. The study will confront legal principles with economic regulatory approaches towards the distribution of climate change measures.