Eco-compensation for watersheds in ChinaPhD student: Mrs Dr L. Dai
Promotor: Mrs Prof H.F.M.W. van Rijswick
Duration: 1/9/2011 - 30/6/2015
PhD defence: Utrecht, 6/7/2015
Water challenges are becoming known as a global concern due to the growing population, accelerated urbanization and rising economies which increase the demand for water use. Market-based policy tools within river basins have been explored in both developed and developing countries. Eco-compensation or payments for ecosystem services is a new approach to internalizing the environmental externalities. My research will focus on eco-compensation within river basins. There are two parts in my research. Firstly, I will focus on what eco-compensation is. This includes the definitions, the underlying principles of the eco-compensation approach, the conditions to adopt an eco-compensation approach within water management. The research will elaborate on the scope of payments for ecosystem services in water management (which services are to be included) and the way payment for ecosystem services in water management can be legally formulated. First experiences within the European Union will serve as the comparative framework for payment for eco system services in Chinese water management. I will conclude what specific conditions are needed to adopt eco-compensation in Chinese water management at the end of the first part. In the second part, I will choose two comparative river basinsone is in the Netherlands, the other is in Chinato test how eco-compensation by way of payment for ecosystem services works in different regimes. The main objective of my research is to provide recommendations for policy-makers.