Use of intellectual property rights for debt collection (debt collection by sale of intellectual property rights under execution in The Netherlands governed by Dutch law)PhD student: Dr A. Keur
Promotors: Prof F.W. Grosheide, Prof A.W. Jongbloed
Duration: 1/1/2010 - 31/8/2013
PhD defence: Utrecht, 29/2/2016
Purpose of this PhDresearch is to explore to what extent it is possible and useful to collect debts by sale of intellectual property rights under execution in The Netherlands governed by Dutch law. In this research the possibilities of and considerations for the use of intellectual property rights for debt collection are examined, in which respect a distinction is made between intellectual property rights as object of a security right and intellectual property rights as object of attachment. In the research the IP Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions (2011) is used as reference point, in the sense that topics in the IP Supplement relevant for this research, are discussed and compared with the Dutch laws. The research will conclude with recommendations seeking to promote the use of intellectual property rights for debt collection.