The Application of Consumer Choice in Competition Law Regulation of Internet IndustryPhD student: Mr T. Tang
Promotor: Mrs Prof A.T. Ottow
Duration: 1/12/2012 - 30/11/2015
This research intends to associate the newly developed Consumer Choice theory and internet antitrust regulation together, exploring a more straightforward and feasible approach to help competition authority deal with the new challenges from internet industry. There are three prospective goals in general: 1. Making profound research and investigation of internet industry; 2. acquiring systematic acknowledgement of Consumer Choice; 3. establishing the appropriate application mechanism for Consumer Choice in the internet regulation.
There are two kinds of methodology: one is literal research, the other is empirical investigation. Literally, this research is supposed to be carried out in the library of Utrecht University which will have relevant resources in the areas of competition law and internet regulation. Empirically, field research will be carried out to investigate internet market in order to collect first-hand and relevant information about this industry.
The project is of great importance because, this project intends to make such academic attempt, trying to find some creative path to facilitate the enforcement of competition law in internet market. It originated from new ideas, and will lead to meaningful endings.
Furthermore, it is obvious that our lives have been highly affected by internet economy nowadays. Simultaneously, the current competition law in main countries or areas has also encountered tremendous challenge from internet industry, which can be seen from many prominent and debate-provoking competition law cases since late 20th century. It seems quite necessary for legislators, judges and executors to seek a kind of more straightforward and effective competition law paradigm, and Consumer Choice should be deemed as one of the appropriate options due to its inherent merits.