A rights-based approach to statelessnessPhD student: Mrs Dr K.J. Swider
Promotors: Prof.em. L.F.M. Besselink, Prof G.R. de Groot
Duration: 1/12/2011 - 31/5/2016
PhD defence: Amsterdam, 5/7/2018
The thesis features four case studies of policy responses to statelessness which illustrate the practical implications of the current policies and of the proposed alternative. These cases involve (1) a stateless individual who can acquire the nationality of Armenia at the cost of fulfilling a high-risk military service, (2) a national registration system in the Netherlands which avoids recording instances of statelessness as a matter of policy, (3) the stateless Russian-speaking minority in Latvia, who enjoy a high level of protection in their country of residence, (4) a comparison of two historical policies on restoration of nationalities which had been withdrawn in the context of political persecution, namely the case of the Jewish population who lost German nationality during the Nazi regime, and the case of the Faili Kurd population who lost Iraqi nationality during the regime of Saddam Hussain