The legal and market regulation of green economy in China: a multiple analysis on corporate environmental responsibilityPhD student: Mrs M. Lu
Promotors: Prof M.G. Faure, S. de Hoo
Duration: 1/9/2013 - 31/8/2017
PhD defence: Maastricht, 18/9/2017
The economic activities of multinational companies lead to the global environmental crisis. In the recent decades, the multinational companies have already become the most important participant of the international society. On one hand, the multinational companies make great contributions to the global economic development; on the other hand, they also cause serious environmental pollutions and damages.
The human beings have paid a painful price for their wrong doings and they are becoming to realize that the world now In current China, after decades of rapid economic growth, China has made world-acknowledged achievements; however, these successes come at the very high costs of natural resources and environment. Nowadays China comes cross the bottleneck that is the contradictions between economic growth and environmental and natural resources protection, holding back the economic and social development. As a result, the first imperative of Chinafs socialist market economy is to change patterns of economic growth and speed up the shift to green economy. As the fundamental components and primary forces of socialist market economy, governments and companies assume the major duty to achieve these shifts. Another challenge to Chinafs shifts to green economy comes from the multinational companies. On one hand, as the one of the nations with fastest economic growth and the great vitality, China attracts a large amount of investments from famous multination companies, basically from developed countries, which is notorious for their double standards in many aspects, especially on environmental management and protection. On the other hand, lots of Chinese multinational companies also face serious environmental risks when they go out to make overseas investments, because traditionally Chinese policy makers ignored the importance of environmental management and protection.