The European legal framework for quantitative water management in international River Basin Districts: racing to the topPhD student: Mrs C. Suykens
Promotors: Prof K. Deketelaere, Mrs Prof H.F.M.W. van Rijswick
Duration: 1/4/2013 - 30/3/2016
PhD defence: Leuven, 2/10/2017
The subject of this research is the cooperation between Member States of the European Union sharing International River Basin Districts, with a focus on the quantitative aspects of water management. This research will analyse the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, the Floods Directive 2007/60/EC and the Groundwater Directive 2006/118/EC, with the aim of identifying the (shared) responsibilities of the Member States with regard to floods, water scarcity and droughts, and the legal basis thereof (namely, article 191 (1) v article 191 (2) TFEU). The research will analyse the barriers to cooperation and will formulate recommendations to enhance the existing legal framework, both in terms of substantive and procedural rules as well as institutional mechanisms. To this end, the research will study the functioning of certain cooperation structures pursuant to international law, such as the cooperation on the basis of the Convention on the Protection of the Rhine and the operation of the relevant Commissions. The research will conduct a comparative study into the governance of transboundary waters in the United States and Australia, so as to analyse similarities and differences and identify best practices.