Free movement of students in and to the European UnionPhD student: Mr A. Hoogenboom
Promotors: Prof B. de Witte, Mrs Prof H.E.G.S. Schneider, Dr A.P. van der Mei
Duration: 1/9/2012 - 31/8/2016
PhD defence: Maastricht, 18/10/2016
The PhD project focuses on the tension between promotion of student mobility as key element of a European and EU policy in promoting the knowledge society, competitiveness of the EU economy and greater awareness of EU citizenship identity and its reconciliation with possible negative impacts such mobility may have on financing and quality of national educational systems. Whereas student mobility thus creates advantages for the student, the host and home Member State and the EU as a whole in different but interconnected ways, mobility in and towards the EU remains at a relatively low level. Moreover, the burden in terms of financing the education of these mobile students is very unevenly distributed across the EU. As such, this research seeks to primarily address the question on how to further promote student mobility within and towards the European Union while simultaneously ensuring that the financial consequences thereof are shared evenly and sustainably across the EU.