From policy to law? Industrial policy under European Union lawPhD student: Dr P. Jansen
Promotor: Prof W. Devroe
Duration: 1/11/2013 - 31/10/2017
PhD defence: Leuven, 15/1/2018
Recent years have shown a revival of interest in industrial policy in the European Union (EU), as appears from the many EU and Member States\' policy documents, academic literature and public comment. However, the resulting picture is fragmented an largely non-legal. The lack of analysis can be problematic, e.g. in terms of enforcement. The aim of this research project is to provide for the first time a comprehensive insight into the EU's legal acquis in the area of industrial policy. This will be done by (a) identifying and analysing the norms that apply in the various sub-domains that together constitute "industrial policy", (b) examining the division of competences between the supranational and the national level in respect of these sub-domains, (c) exploring whether certain constants or lines appear that could constitute an embryo of an EU "industrial policy law"; and (d) conducting a comparative legal study involving other, selected, industrial powers.