A union of values: Safeguarding democracy, the rule of law and human rights in the EU member statesPhD student: Dr M. Bonelli
Promotors: Mrs Prof M.L.H.K. Claes, Prof B. de Witte
Duration: 1/9/2014 - 31/12/2018
PhD defence: Maastricht, 19/6/2019
This project will analyze the role of the EU in safeguarding the fundamental values on which the Union is founded, as recognized by the Treaty on the European Union: democracy, rule of law and human rights. The recent constitutional crises in Hungary and Romania demonstrate the legal problems the EU faces to effectively intervene in what are considered internal affairs of a Member State. Adopting an innovative comprehensive approach, this research project will analyze and assess the enforcement mechanisms that are currently available, and discuss whether, and if so how, a more effective monitoring and enforcement system should be introduced.