Extraterritorial Port State Measures: The basis and limits of unilateral port state jurisdiction to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishingPromovendus: Dr. A.N. Honniball
Promotor: Prof.Dr. C.M. Ryngaert
Duur: 5/1/2014 - 31/12/2017
Promotie: Utrecht, 13/3/2019
The project investigates international law governing extraterritorial port state jurisdiction (PSJ), when enforcing unilateral conservation measures, or regional measures against non-parties. Whilst applied within its territory, PSJ can potentially regulate extraterritorial conduct. Regimes of jurisdiction, law of the sea and international trade law govern such state authority. Having established the governing framework, the project examines the relationship from an alternative perspective, i.e. whether PSJ practice has adjusted the legal framework. Finally unilateralism and current PSJ enforcement powers, as sustainability tools, are evaluated. The focus throughout is fisheries regulation of areas beyond the maritime zones of the applicable coastal state.