Changing citizens and conflicting standards as challenges for the innovating judge: An empirical examination of perceived procedural justice and the new administrative judgePhD student: Mrs Dr H.A.M. Grootelaar
Promotors: Prof K. van den Bos, Prof.em. P.M. Langbroek
Duration: 1/11/2014 - 31/10/2017
PhD defence: Utrecht, 25/5/2018
Citizens having changed and the introduction of new conceptions of legitimacy impose new standards of perceived procedural justice and effectiveness on both the judicial behaviour and the design of legal processes. This research aims to examine how the judge can keep up to standards of procedural justice and effectiveness while in the meantime maintaining his professional legal standards. This will be done by conducting three interrelated empirical studies on the new case management in administrative court proceedings (de Nieuwe Zaaksbehandeling), yielding a multi-method empirical examination of subjective, behavioural, and objective variables pertaining to procedural justice and the new administrative judge.