Een rechtseconmische analyse van beleidsinstrumenten ter voorkoming van ontbossing in de tropenPromovendus: Mw. C.-C. Lan
Promotor: Prof.Dr. M.G. Faure
Duur: 1/10/2014 - 30/9/2018
Promotie: Rotterdam, 24/5/2019
The research will examine climate change offsetting measures related to or mitigation measures taken by developing countries under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Reviews and analysis from a theoretical perspective on Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Crediting Mechanisms, and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions in various sectors will be included. Followed in the research, selected case studies, looking into countries that provide added value will as well be added. The research will also possibly discuss the on-going discussions on New Market Mechanisms and a Framework for Various Approaches regarding developing countries greenhouse gas mitigation strategies.