Nuclear Liability in the European Legal FrameworkPhD student: Mr T. Heldt
Promotor: Prof M.G. Faure
Duration: 1/10/2011 - 30/9/2015
PhD defence: Maastricht, 28/10/2015
The earthquake in Fukushima, resulting in the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl, has more than ever shown the up-to-dateness and necessity of an effective liability regime in case of a nuclear accident. It also has reinforced this discussion within Europe. Developments at the level of the European Commission however do not seem to be of much help on the way towards overcoming the hurdles which one faces in the current patchwork regime when it comes to nuclear liability. This project will bridge the current gap between nuclear safety standards, nuclear liability and environmental liability within the EU by providing a European Legal Framework for nuclear liability, therewith ending the fragmentation of the currently existing liability regime.