The dispute settlement mechanism in a China-EU free trade and investment agreementPhD student: Mrs C. Zhao
Promotors: Prof P.L.H. van den Bossche, Mrs Dr D. Prévost
Duration: 1/1/2016 - 31/12/2019
PhD defence: Maastricht, 14/12/2020
China and the EU are currently negotiating free trade and investment agreements in an effort to further bilateral economic ties. This project analyzes the possible dispute settlement mechanisms both China and the EU may argue for during the negotiations of a future free trade and investment agreement. Such analysis is based on the study of both parties approaches to this issue in the past and, presently, with regard to other agreements. It also analyses the different legal and cultural backgrounds each party brings to the table, in order to understand the different values each party is attempting to protect through such mechanisms. The result can be a useful resource to facilitate the conclusion and subsequent implementation of a China-EU Free Trade and Investment Agreement.