The management of emergency Incidents: A comparative study on environmental emergency incidents management between EU and ChinaPhD student: Mrs H. Ma
Promotor: Mrs Prof H.F.M.W. van Rijswick
Duration: 1/10/2016 - 30/9/2020
The environmental emergency incidents pose an increasing amount of threat to the whole world in contemporary world, since the environment emergency incidents can affect the nature and environment itself and human beings fiercely and negatively. Because of the features of the environmental emergency incidents (e.g.more complicated to investigate, assess and recovery), the scheme of the management should be focused on and established appropriately, particularly in developing countries, whose environmental emergency schemes are not mature enough to cope with the sever and complex environmental emergency incidents. As we known that European Union started its emergency management (including the environmental emergency management) very early and progressed remarkably, whose emergency system is capable to deal with the most of the emergency incidents in environmental area. Considering the advanced and efficient environmental emergency scheme, as well as the similarity between China and EU in some aspects, which is also significant, a comparative study of the environmental emergency management is meaningful to improve the scheme in China. This research centers on the specificity of environmental emergency management out of the whole emergency management system and will focus much more on the legal aspect as a component in the environmental emergency management system in America and China respectively from both the theoretical and practical levels, seeking for the improvement of the environmental emergency incidents management in China by comparative research and other research methods.