The new gatekeepers: abuse of dominance in the platform economyPromovendus: Dr. F. Bostoen
Promotor: Prof.Dr. W. Devroe
Duur: 1/9/2016 - 31/8/2021
Promotie: Leuven, 10/5/2021
Five of the ten biggest companies in the world (by market cap) operate as so-called platforms, which means their main business consists not of providing a product themselves, but of connecting different user groups. This growing \'platform economy\' creates opportunities for new and established businesses, but may also pose risks to competition. Given their natural tendency towards concentration and crucial position economic position, there is considerable potential for abuse of dominance by those platforms. This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive EU legal framework for the assessment of abusive practices by multi-sided platforms, specifically in their relation with the businesses making use of their platform to market goods, services or digital content.