Game of pleas. An empirical analysis of the pleas raised in recent EU competition law casesPhD student: Dr T.P. Mennicken
Promotors: Mrs Prof H.E.G.S. Schneider, Prof W. Devroe
Duration: 1/9/2014 - 31/5/2018
PhD defence: Maastricht, 16/10/2019
My project consists of an empirical analysis of recent EU competition law judgments involving restrictive practices. Nearly 400 cases which were adjudicated within the reasonable time frame (2005 2016) were analyzed. The pleas raised in these cases were categorized based on their content as raised by the pleading party. Then, the results were statistically analyzed, which led to conclusions being drawn on the success rate of the different categories. Based on these results, the least and most successful categories were analyzed in depth with an attempt to determine the cause for their (lack of) success.