Access to health insurance: the collection and processing of data by insurers influenced by modern technologyPhD student: Mrs Dr N. Stroobants
Promotor: Prof C. van Schoubroeck
Duration: 1/9/2017 - 31/8/2023
PhD defence: Leuven, 17/1/2024
The research concerns the collection and processing of data by insurers at the acceptance, pricing and determination of the extent of the coverage in health insurance policies. Under the influence of modern technology, insurers can now rely on more sophisticated and more advanced techniques such as telematics, blockchain, digital contracting, artificial intelligence, etc. when collecting data and calculating the premium. In addition, the emergence of InsurTech startups, being techcompanies active in the insurance market, will pose significant challenges for the supervising authorities. Against this background, I examine how the existing legal framework needs to be adapted to these recent changes in the insurance landscape.