When which type of enforcement in the European Union? Towards a multidisciplinary roadmap for choosing strategies for the enforcement of European Union policiesPhD student: Mr L. van Kreij
Promotors: J.G. van Erp, Mrs Dr M.O. Scholten
Duration: 1/3/2018 - 28/2/2022
PhD defence: Utrecht, 26/1/2024
European Union policies have been enforced in various ways without clear theory that answers the question which type of enforcement could be more effective to attain specific policy goals. As the recent financial and migration crisis learn us, enforcement strategies unsuitable to the context has adverse effects. This research project will develop design principles for policy makers helping them making the right choice and contribute to an unexplored field of building a theory on European Union enforcement. It will do so by investigating six policy fields (representing three European Union enforcement strategies) through a multidisciplinary prism supported by consolidated empirical evidence.