Assignment of claims: A comparative study under Turkish, Dutch and English law and the principles of European contract law (PECL)Promovendus: Mw. G.E. Mercangöz-Ploeger
Promotores: Prof.Mr. E.H. Hondius, Dr. J.M. Milo
Duur: 1/1/2004 - 31/12/2008
This research will explore and analyze the assignment of claims under three jurisdictions: Turkish, Dutch and English law. Although the research will primarily focus on these laws, PECL may frequently be reviewed as a point of comparison to the aforementioned national laws. The research deals mainly with the voluntary assignment of claims, whether individually or in bulk, arising by way of contract. An assignment of a contractual claim is a transfer of a right to performance. In most cases, an assignment will refer to the transfer of a monetary claim arising by way of contract, however, rights to other kind of performance will also be subject to this research.