Formulating a legal framework for support schemes for renewable energy in the EUPhD student: Dr T. Iliopoulos
Promotor: B. Vanheusden
Duration: 19/9/2017 - 18/9/2021
PhD defence: Hasselt, 29/10/2021
The promotion of renewable energy sources in the EU takes place at the national level, mainly through a specific group of instruments, to wit the support schemes for renewable energy sources ('RESSS'). The national character of RESSS gives rise to certain problems: RESSS are not always in conformity with primary EU internal market and state aid law; they often are poorly designed and thus non-viable; and they are often subject to unilateral changes to the detriment of legal certainty. At the same time, the supranational RESSS legal framework is still fragmented and it is uncertain whether and to which extent it can address the issues noticed. The research aims to examine the supranational RESSS legal framework and to put forward suggestions for its evolution. Accordingly, the main research question of this project is whether a RESSS legal framework should be evolved in the EU and if yes, what its detailed content should be.