The Multilevel Governance of EU Fundamental Rights: the Division of Competences between the EU and its Member StatesPromovendus: Mw. E. Börjedal
Promotores: Mw. Prof.Mr. M.L.H.K. Claes, Prof.Dr. B. de Witte
Duur: 7/1/2019 - 6/1/2022
This research addresses the multilevel governance of EU fundamental rights by clarifying the division of competences between the various actors involved in the complex system of fundamental rights protection at the EU and national level. It will pay special attention to the duty to actively protect fundamental rights. It will also examine to what extent the EU and national actors perceive their respective roles in this complex system and how this transpires in practice. The research results will be used to formulate recommendations on how practice and self-perception can be aligned with the system of EU FR as designed in the Treaties.