Quality management and checks and balances in judicial administrationPromovendus: Mr.Dr. Gar Yein Ng
Promotores: Prof.em. P.M. Langbroek, Prof.Mr. J.B.J.M. ten Berge
Duur: 1/9/2001 - 31/5/2006
Promotie: Utrecht, 14/3/2007
There is a large democratic deficit in the judiciary, given the amount of power the judge now has over the interpretation of legislation and administration, and a lack of corresponding accountability. Traditional, constitutional accoutability is no longer sufficient. This phd looks at whether quality management can be used as a tool to hold the judicial organisations in France and the Netherlands to account, and try to close the legitimacy gap and improve relations between the courts and the citizens/parties. The conclusions will look at whether this tool is compatible with constitutional norms and does not breach judicial independence.