Silenced by default? Algorithmic content moderation and freedom of expression in the European UnionPromovendus: Mw. Dr. V. Golunova
Promotores: Mw. Prof.Dr. M. Pertegás Sender, Mw. Dr. M. Brkan
Duur: 1/12/2019 - 30/11/2023
Promotie: Maastricht, 22/4/2024
The two main goals of this project is, firstly, to establish risks to protection of freedom of expression guaranteed by Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU posed by the systems of algorithmic content moderation employed by digital platforms, and, secondly, to elaborate the ways to mitigate such risks. In line with the hypothesis that digital platforms should be seen as sui generis actors, it will be demonstrated how the shift of the focus from algorithmic transparency to governance by participation can boost legitimacy of content moderation activities without compromising efficiency of commercial activities carried out by such platforms.