Soil subsidence in Dutch peat meadow ares: policy and decision-makingPhD student: Mr M.M.W. van Gils
Promotor: Mrs Prof H.F.M.W. van Rijswick
Duration: 1/6/2020 - 31/5/2024
In the Netherlands, especially the western and northern parts, a considerable land area is covered by peatlands. In these peat meadow areas, the soil subsides steadily. This has many adverse consequences: damage to the foundation of builindgs, more costs for water management, and decreasing agricultural productivity. My research focuses on the question how policy -making and decision-making concerning the Dutch peat meadow areas can be organised in such a way that soil subsidence and/or the adverse consequences thereof can be prevented, and, if damage nonetheless occurs, how that can be compensated equitably and effectively.