NWA-ORC project Towards a new balance in empowerment and protection of the elderlyPhD student: Mrs M. Tollenaar
Promotors: Mrs Prof M.V. Antokolskaia, Mrs Prof W.M. Schrama
Duration: 1/9/2021 - 31/8/2025
NWA-ORC project 'Towards a new balance in empowerment and protection of the elderly'. Research concerning the reshape of the system of legal measures for empowerment and protection of vulnerable elderly persons in the Netherlands. A new balance between the empowerment and protection of elderly needs to be found. The current Dutch system of legal measures of adult protection is outdated. A fundamental change of the system is imperative.
This change requires extended thorough research into both theory and practice, involving both academics and practioners. This NWA consortium scheme bids a one-off possibility to conduct such research by combining the existing knowledge and experience of national and foreign academics as well as national professioanls across the whole knowledge chain. The acquired knowledge will be used to draft a legislative proposal for a new modern,
empowerment-based syste of staturory measures of legal protection of elderly in the Netherlands, that will be:
compliant with ethical and international human rights requirements, build upon best practices in other countries,
evidence-based and empirically tested, broadly accepted by professionals and elderly..
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