Prerequisites and developments in law and governance for innovations in fresh water supplyPhD student: Mrs S.A. Melchers
Promotors: Mrs Prof H.F.M.W. van Rijswick, D. Huitema
Duration: 15/9/2021 - 14/9/2024
The fresh water supply in the Netherlands is facing challenges. Regions and sectors such as agriculture, industry, nature and drinking water suppliers need to prepare for periods of water scarcity. Revising fresh water management, distribution, and reuse important possibilities. This can be realised through innovations in fresh water storage, stimulating efficient water use, deconcentrating high consuming industries, and using alternative water sources such as rain water and brackish water. The legal and governance elements of this question are also addressed as part of this research project. The legal, policy, and governance dimensions of the Dutch fresh water supply and the possibilities for innovation are central to my contribution to this project.