The protection of future generations in Dutch Public LawPhD student: Mr J.A. Boer
Promotors: Prof Ch.W. Backes,
Duration: 1/5/2022 - 30/4/2026
In recent decades, a movement has emerged in legal philosophy that advocates the protection of future generations. The importance accorded to the interests of future generations is also reflected in international law and environmental treaties, which, for example, state that future generations have a right to a clean and liveable environment. The question is, however, how the protection of future generations is guaranteed in Dutch public law. This study will address this issue, including the relationship between public and private law in climate cases and the protection of future generations in a broader constitutional perspective. In this context, a comparative law study will be conducted in order to examine, among other things, whether the (legal) protection of future generations in Dutch public (climate) law is sufficient or whether it requires further elaboration.