The position of parents in youth care and youth justice law
Description:PhD student: Mrs N. Menten
Promotor: J. Put
Duration: 1/9/2022 - 31/8/2026
Child protection law is aimed at children and young people with a request or a need for help, or who find themselves in alarming situations. Youth delinquency law concerns young people who have committed a juvenile offence. Despite the focus on children and young people, both situations logically also address the involvement of parents (in a broad sense: the people responsible for raising children). They can be looked at in different ways: contextually, co-explaining and assistive. In any case, they are part of the context and environment of the child or youngster. Sometimes they are also considered to be involved in causing the problematic situation. On the other hand, they must be able to be part of the solution. This study examines the various positions of parents in the systems of child protection and juvenile delinquency law. An analysis of their current position is followed by a review of it in relation to both the general legal position of parents and the rights of defense and human rights norms concerning the involvement of parents in such situations.