What role for the ECBs monetary policymaking in the EU green transition? The ECBs institutional evolution between legal orthodoxy and economic contingenciesPromovendus: Dhr. A. Cuomo
Promotor: Mw. Prof.Dr. E.I.L. Vos
Duur: 15/9/2022 - 14/9/2026
The research will provide a normative account of the function of the ECBs monetary policymaking in the EU green transition based on systematic and teleological grounds. The role played by the ECB in the last decade has revealed the institution as a key piece in the puzzle of the EU economic governance, shifting the construction of its mandate from neutral to contextual. Yet, as the ECB pledged in its new monetary policy strategy to incorporate climate change considerations into its policymaking, the extent to which its mandate accommodates climate change mitigation remains an open question not foreseen by the drafters of the Treaties, which requires a constitutional assessment of the institutions competence, of the proportionality of its action and, ultimately, of its independence, accountability and legitimacy.