Foreign Direct Liability and Beyond - Exploring the Role of Tort Law in Promoting International Corporate Social Responsibility and AccountabilityPhD student: Mrs Dr L.F.H. Enneking
Promotors: Prof M.L. Lennarts, Prof I. Giesen
Duration: 1/8/2006 - 31/7/2010
PhD defence: Utrecht, 11/5/2012
The scarcity of binding, enforceable regulations has arguably led to a regulatory vacuum regarding the international practices of multinational corporations. The proposed research aims at gaining an insight into the ways in which Dutch parent companies of multinational corporations can most effectively be regulated. A comparison will be made between existing regulatory mechanisms on various levels; the results will show which mechanism, if any, holds the best promise for the future. The research will be narrowed down to the context of accountability of Dutch parent companies for bodily harm inflicted upon third parties in host countries.