Specific Performance in Contract Law: National and Other Perspectives Full Citation Volume 71 Ius Commune Europaeum Series: D. Haas, G. Hesen, J.M. Smits (eds.), Specific Performance in Contract Law: National and Other Perspectives (2008, Intersentia, Antwerpen - Oxford, ISBN 90-5095-714-5, xvi + 345 p.) Cover Note: This book intends to deepen our understanding of the right to specific performance in contract law. It brings together sixteen contributions on various aspects of this important action and on its place in the system of contractual remedies. The volume integrates insights from a more classical (dogmaticapproach with comparative, historical and economic analysis. It includes overviews of the national law of the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Scotland and South Africa and of the international regimes created by the CISG, UP, PECL and the European Directive 1999/44. In addition, various aspects of specific performance in these and other jurisdictions are considered. These aspects include inter alia judicial procedure, the duty to carry on negotiations and the enforcement of side-letters. |