Judicial Control. Comparative essays on judicial review Full Citation Volume 16 Ius Commune Europaeum Series: R. Bakker, A.W. Heringa, F.A.M. Stroink, Judicial Control. Comparative essays on judicial review (1995, MAKLU Uitgevers, Antwerpen-Apeldoorn, ISBN 90-6215-508-1, 165 p.) Cover Note: This book is about various aspects of judicial control of the legislature and of the executive. The assumption, central in all contributions, is the growing importance of the judicial activity in modern society. This compilation of essays sets out to analyse, on a comparative basis, how various courts are exercising their increasingly demanding tasks. Which inherent limits do refrain the courts in their reviewing functions? How do they perceive their respective roles vis-à-vis the other branches of government? What are relevant differences and similarities? These are the questions to be posed and dealt with in this book. The various contributions, each from a different angle, provide comparative analyses of these (and other) constitutional questions, fundamental to the modern (European) democracies. Although the book is predominantly a ‘European’ book in that it analyses two European courts and primarily some European states, attention is also paid to similar American practices and legal concepts. Therefore this compilation of essays will be useful for European lawyers and academics as well as for American lawyers, who are interested to study parallel European legal developments concerning the growing importance of the role of the judiciary. |