- naugurale lezing Francqui Leerstoel - Francqui Chair inaugural lecture 'Why Europe Needs a Civil Code' door Prof. Dr. H. Collins (London School of Economics) (Leuven, Tuesday 18 December 2012)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: Creating International Legal Normativity. The WTO’s Use of International Standards by Robert Howse (New York University) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 11 December 2012)
- Symposium: 'Recht en armoede' (Utrecht, Friday 7 December 2012)
- Congres: 'De doorwerking van algemene rechtsbeginselen in de BTW' (Utrecht-Bunnik, Tuesday 4 December 2012)
- 17th Ius Commune Conference (Amsterdam, Thursday 29 - Friday 30 November 2012)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: Coordinated Governance. The Concept, Its Relation to Rule-making and Possible Research Agendas by Professor David D. Caron (C. William Maxeiner Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of California at Berkeley) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 20 November 2012)
- Second ACELG Annual Conference: 'A New Role for the EU in Economic Governance. Lessons from Emerging and Existing Models' (Amsterdam, Friday 9 November)
- Conference: 'Economic Crisis and the Law' (Maastricht, Friday 2 November 2012)
- A joint M-EPLI/MCEL round-table: EU Law in the Private Sphere, Helping hand or officious intermeddler? (Maastricht, Friday 26 October 2012)
- Symposium: 'The use of scientific evidence in criminal and civil litigation' (Birmingham, Friday 19 October 2012)
- ACELG seminar: 'The European Stability Mechanism and the German Constitutional Court' by Prof. Ferdinand Wollenschläger (University of Augsburg) (Amsterdam, Thursday 18 October 2012)
- CSECL Seminar: 'The Impact of ECJ Case Law on National Private Law and some Provisional Thoughts on the Development of European Contract Law' by Prof. Franz Werro (Georgetown University, Washington, USA) (Amsterdam, Monday 8 October 2012)
- Introduction Meeting Ius Commune Ph.D. Training Programme 2012-2013 (Maastricht, Monday 25 - Tuesday 25 Seotember 2012)
- Centre for the Study of European Contract Law seminar: Prof. Ianika Tzankova (Tilburg University): 'Class actions and settlements and litigation culture: facts and figures or unmything myths' (Amsterdam, Monday 24 September 2012)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2011 - 2012. Masterclass Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Thursday 21 - Friday 22 June 2012)
- Jean Monnet training event for PhD students: 'Comparativismfromlegal and sociological perspectives' (Leeds, Wednesday 20 June 2012)
- Studiemiddag Europa Instituut Utrecht: 'De grondslagen van de Europese Unie uitgedaagd door de eurocrisis' (Utrecht, Wednesday 20 June 2012)
- MEPLI Round Table on Competition in International Sales Law (Friday 15 June 2012)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2011-2012. Masterclass Leuven (Leuven, Thursday 31 May - Friday 1 June 2012)
- Working conference: 'Integrated Reporting: Measuring = Knowing' (Rotterdam, Wednesday 30 May 2012)
- ACELG Roundtable Discussion on ACTA Agreement (Amsterdam, Tuesday 29 May 2012)
- Annual Conference of the Netherlands Journal of Commercial Law (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Handelsrecht): '20 years CISG in the Netherlands' (Amsterdam, Friday 20 April 2012)
- Ius Commune Postgraduate Training course 2011 - 2012. Comparative Law Research and Methodology (Utrecht, Tuesday 10 - Wednesday 11 April 2012)
- ACELG Presentation: EU Economic Law in the Process of Embedding Markets, by Jotte Mulder (Amsterdam, Tuesday 10 April 2012)
- ACELG Seminiar: Europe in Need of a New Deal. On Federalism, Free Market and the Right to Strike, by Federico Fabbrini (European University Institute) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 27 March 2012)
- Seminar on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Mediation in China (Leuven, Thursday 15 March 2012)
- Conference: 'Consumer Rights: the First Fifty Years (Utrecht, Thursday 15 March 2012)
- Studiemiddag Actualia Energierecht en -beleid (Hasselt, Tuesday 6 March 2012)
- ACELG seminar: The Rights to Have What Rights? EU Citizenship in Urgent Need of Clarificatio, Prof. Dimitry Kochenov (University of Groningen) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 6 March 2012)
- CSECL seminar: 'Financial investors as consumers in a European perspective', by Cristina Amato (University of Brescia, Italy) (Amsterdam, Monday 5 March 2012)
- Symposium 'Naar een Gemeenschappelijk Europees Kooprecht voor de Europese Unie' (Amsterdam, Wednesday 29 February 2012)
- ACLL / CSECL Seminar: Translating the Common European Sales Law into 23 Language Versions: Business as Usual? Ingemar Strandvik (Quality Manager, the European Commission's Directorate-General for Translation (DGT), Brussels) (Amsterdam, Monday 27 February 2012)
- Conference: 'Parliaments in the European Union after Lisbon' (Maastricht, Thursday 23 - Friday 24 February 2012)
- ACELG seminar: Aart Loubert (UvA) 'Sovereign Debt Threatens the Union: the Genesis of a Federation' (Amsterdam, Tuesday 14 February 2012)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2011 - 2012. Foundations of Ius Commune (Maastricht, Monday 30 January 2012 - Wednesday 1 February 2012)
These pages contain an overview of all the activities organised by, in coorperation with or with support of the Ius Commune Ressearch School.
Please contact marjo.mullers@maastrichtuniversity.nl for further information or if you wish to add an activity to the list.