- Staatsrechtconferentie 2013: Integriteit in politiek en bestuur (Amsterdam, vrijdag 13 december 2013)
- TBH Congres - Congrès RDC (Brussel, woensdag 4 december 2013)
- 18de Ius Commune congres (Maastricht, donderdag 28 - vrijdag 29 november 2013)
- ACELG presentation: 'Transparency as Organized Hypocrisy? The case of the EU Legislative Process', by Dr Stéphanie Novak (Hertie School of Governance) (Amsterdam, dinsdag 26 november 2013)
- Young Property Lawyers Forum (Leuven, maandag 25 - dinsdag 26 november 2013)
- Third ACELG Annual Conference: Postnational Democracy Beyond Representation in the EU (Amsterdam, vrijdag 22 november 2013)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'A Matter of Perspective Global Governance and the Distinction between Public and Private Authority (and Not Law)', by Matthias Goldmann (Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law) (Amsterdasm, maandag 18 november 2013)
- BACT Conference: 'Nudging and beyond: current applications and new perspectives on behavioral insights' (Rotterdam, donderdag 7 - vrijdag 8 november 2013)
- Congres: 'Bridging the Gap between International Investment Law and the Environment' (Den Haag, maandag 4 - dinsdag 5 november 2013)
- Conference: Water and Ocean Law in Times of Climate Change (Utrecht, donderdag 31 oktober - vrijdag 1 november 2013)
- ACELG presentation: 'Unitas Politica? The Executive Power of the European Union and the Courts of Member States', by Dr. Herman van Harten (Utrecht University) (Amsterdam, dinsdag 29 oktober 2013)
- Conference: 'Twenty Years Treaty on European Union: Reflections from Maastricht' (Maastricht, vrijdag 25 oktober 2013)
- Conference: 'The Citizen in European Private Law: Norm-setting, Enforcement and Choice' (Maastricht, vrijdag 18 oktober 2013)
- Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance debates on topical EU issues: 'EU burgerschap onder de loep' (EU citizenship: One step too many?) (Amsterdam, dinsdag 15 oktober 2013)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Fault Lines of Globalisation. Legal Order and a Politics of A-Legality', by Hans Lindahl (Professor of Legal Philosophy at Tilburg University) (Amsterdam, dinsdag 15 oktober 2013)
- Conference and Master Class on Climate Change, Conflicts and Human Rights (Utrecht, woensdag 9 - donderdag 10 oktober 2013)
- Conference: Legal Reasoning (Utrecht, vrijdag 4 oktober 2013)
- Introductiedagen Ius Commune Promovendi-opleiding 2013-2014 (Maastricht, maandag 30 september - dinsdag 1 oktober 2013)
- Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance debates on topical EU issues: 'Een markt zonder munt? Debat over het behoud van de euro' (A market without a currency?) (Amsterdam, donderdag 26 september 2013)
- Minisymposium Burgerschap 3.0: De 'zelfredzame burger' in de 'doe-democratie' (Amsterdam, woensdag 25 september 2013)
- Conference: 'Citizens' rights and economic crisis' (Maastricht, vrijdag 20 september 2013)
- Conference: 'The Future of Collective Redress in Europe' (Rotterdam, vrijdag 20 september 2013)
- Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance debates on topical EU issues: 'Wat zou een 'brixit' betekenen voor de Europese Unie?' (A brixit from the EU: What does multi-speed Europe actually mean?) (Amsterdam, woensdag 18 september 2013)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series 'Transnational Private Regulation. Legitimacy versus Effectiveness', by Professor Fabrizio Cafaggi (Professor of Regulation at the Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, part-time Professor of Comparative Law at the European University Institute (EUI), founding member and member of the Executive Committee of the European Law Institute and member of the American Law Institute) (Amsterdam, maandag 16 september 2013)
- Conference on '(Il)legitimate differential treatment' (Maastricht, donderdag 27 - vrijdag 28 juni 2013)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series 'The Coming of Global Law', by Professor Neil Walker (Regius Professor of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations at the School of Law, University of Edinburgh, and is a Fellow of the British Academy) (Amsterdam, donderdag 18 juni 2013)
- Ius Commune promovendiopleiding 2012-2013. Masterclass Amsterdam (Amsterdam, donderdag 13 - vrijdag 14 juni 2013)
- ACELG Presentation: 'EU Enlargement: Prospects and Challenges', by H.E. Mr. Nikola Dimitrov (Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands) (Amsterdam, dinsdag 28 mei 2013)
- Jean Monnet Conference: One for all and all for one? The role of collective actors in enforcing European Law (Berlijn, donderdag 23 - vrijdag 24 mei 2013)
- Ius Commune Promovendiopleiding 2012-2013. Masterclass Leuven (Leuven, donderdag 23 - vrijdag 24 mei 2013)
- ACELG seminar: 'Exploring the Potential of Hidden Dialogue. Genesis, Development and Destiny of an ‘Eccentric’ Form of Communication', by Dr Giuseppe Martinico García Pelayo (Fellow at the Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales (CEPC), Madrid and Lecturer (on leave) at the Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa) (Amsterdam, dinsdag 7 mei 2013)
- ACELG Discussion Group meeting: 'The EU’s Rule-Making Exercise in Cybercrime and Cyber-Security. The Post-Lisbon Construction of Transnational Sovereignty in Security? Humble Visions, Rich Tools and Plentiful Masters', by Dr Elaine Fahey (UvA) (Amsterdam, donderdag 18 april 2013)
- Ius Commune Postgraduate Training course 2012 - 2013. Comparative Law Research and Methodology (Utrecht, dinsdag 16 - woensdag 17 april 2013)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series 'EU and Transnational Law after a Paradigm Shift from Constitutionalism to Pluralism', by Dr Matej Avbelj (Graduate School of Government and European Studies in Kranj, Slovenia) (Amsterdam, dinsdag 16 april 2013)
- ACELG Seminar: 'The European External Action Service, Legal basis, organisation and functioning', by Professor Steven Blockmans (UvA) (Amsterdam, dinsdag 9 april 2013)
- European and National Constitutional Law (EuNaCon) Project closing conference (woensdag 20 - vrijdag 22 februari 2013)
- IGIR/EIPIN Conference 'Treatment Equal or No-Less Favourable of Citizens in a Globalising World: The National Treatment Principle in a EU and International Context' (Maastricht, donderdag 31 januari en vrijdag 1 februari 2013)
- Ius Commune Promovendiopleiding 2012 - 2013. Foundations of Ius Commune (Maastricht, maandag 28 - woensdag 30 januari 2013)
- ACELG Discussion Group meeting 'Generating Solidarity in the European Union' by Dr Daniela Obradovic (UvA) (Amsterdam, maandag 28 januari 2013)
- CSECL Seminar: 'The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive and Contracts' by Prof. Jules Stuyck (KU Leuven) (Amsterdam, maandag 28 januari 2013)
- A MEPLI Roundtable 'Smart' Regulation of European Private Law (Maastricht, vrijdag 18 januari 2013)
- Conference: 'A Plurality of Pluralisms - Understanding Legal Pluralism (Rovaniemi (Finland), maandag 14 januari 2013)
Deze pagina's bevatten een overzicht van alle activiteiten die door, in samenwerking met of met steun van de Ius Commune Onderzoekschool worden georganiseerd.
Contacteer Mevr. M. Mullers, beheerder van de Onderzoekschool, voor meer informatie of om een activiteit in deze lijst op te nemen.