- The Law and Justice Across Borders Lecture: 'Law as social practice: A recognition-theoretic account', by Dr Titus Stahl (University of Groningen) (Amsterdam, maandag 18 december 2017)
- Book presentation: 'Law Enforcement by EU Authorities: is everything under control?' , edited by Miroslava Scholten and Michiel Luchtman (Brussel, donderdag 7 december 2017)
- 22ste Ius Commune congres (Utrecht, donderdag 23 - vrijdag 24 november 2017)
- International Conference 'Financial Consumer Protection, Financial Advice, and Changing Remuneration Structures in the Post-Crisis Era (Amsterdam, donderdag 23 november 2017)
- 7th ACELG Annual Conference: 'Re-Imagining the European Union' (Amsterdam, vrijdag 10 november 2017)
- ACELG Lecture: 'The Single Resolution Board: a critical perspective', by Dr Marta Bozina Beros (University of Pula, Croatia) (Amsterdam, donderdag 9 november 2017)
- Symposium: 'Collectieve schadevergoedingsactie in perspectief' (Amsterdam, woensdag 1 november 2017)
- Launching event of the casebook on Judicial Review of Administrative Action (Maastricht, vrijdag 27 oktober 2017)
- The Law and Justice Across Borders Lecture: 'The United States and International Human Rights Law', by Professor David Sloss (Santa Clara Law) (Amsterdam, maandag 9 oktober 2017)
- Introductiedagen Ius Commune Promovendi-opleiding 2017-2018 (Maastricht, maandag 25 - dinsdag 26 september 2017)
- The Law and Justice Across Borders Lecture: 'Institutionalising Integration', by Dr. Floris de Witte (Assistant Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science) (Amsterdam, maandag 25 september 2017)
- ELSi-day: 'The Empirical Legal Research Starters Kit Workshop' (Maastricht, vrijdag 22 september 2017)
- Colloque à l’occasion du 70ème anniversaire du groupe néerlandais de l’Association Henri Capitant // Symposium on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Dutch Chapter of the Henri Capitant Association (Leiden, donderdag 21 september 2017)
- ACELG symposium: 'Competing Courts and Global Green Justice', by Laurens Ankersmit (lawyer at ClientEarth) (Amsterdam, donderdag 14 september 2017)
- ACELG symposium: 'Constitutional challenges in Europe. The impact and role of competition law' (Amsterdam, donderdag 14 September 2017)
- Symposium: 'Netherlands Commercial Court' (Utrecht, donderdag 22 juni 2017)
- Ius Commune promovendiopleiding 2016-2017. Masterclass Amsterdam (Amsterdam, donderdag 22 juni 2017)
- The Law and Justice Across Borders Lecture: 'Recall it Again, Sam. Practices of Repetition in the Security Council', by Wouter Werner (Professor of public international law at the Centre for the Politics of Transnational Law at VU University) (Amsterdam, maandag 12 juni 2017)
- Conference: 'The Limits of Mutual Trust and Mutual Recognition' (Utrecht, vrijdag 9 juni 2017)
- Ius Commune Promovendiopleiding 2016-2017. Masterclass Leuven (Leuven, donderdag 8 - vrijdag 9 juni 2017)
- The Society for Legal and Institutional History of Flanders, Picardy and Wallonia Annual International days: 'The rule of law and revolutions' (Maastricht, vrijdag 26 en zaterdag 27 mei 2017)
- ACELG presentation: 'The Brexit Process and UK Constitutionalism', by Dr Michael Gordon (Senior Lecturer in Law at the Liverpool Law School, School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool) (Amsterdam, dinsdag 23 mei 2017)
- Conference: 'Accountability and International Business Operations: Providing Justice for Corporate Violations of Human Rights, Labor and Environmental Standards' (Utrecht, donderdag 18 - zaterdag 20 mei 2017)
- Workshop: 'Omgevingsrecht in de Lage Landen: the sequel (Gent, donderdag 18 mei 2017)
- M-EPLI Roundtable 'Re- De- Co-dification? New Insights on the Codification of Private Law in Europe' (Maastricht, vrijdag 12 mei 2017)
- To celebrate its fifth anniversary, the Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law at Leiden University will organize a conference on 'Public and private regulation of financial markets' (Leiden, donderdag 11 mei 2017)
- The Law and Justice Across Borders Lecture: Constitutional Pluralism Is Not Dead. An Analysis of Interactions between Constitutional Courts of Member States and the European Court of Justice, by Ana Bobić (Dphil in law at the Oxford Law Faculty, and lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative Law at Keble College) (Amsterdam, maandag 8 mei 2017)
- International workshop 'Scientific knowledge in environmental litigation: National Solutions, EU Requirements and Current Challenges' (Maastricht, vrijdag 21 april 2017)
- Ius Commune promovendiopleiding 2016-2017. Comparative Law Research and Methodology (Utrecht, donderdag 20 - vrijdag 21 april 2017)
- CERiM Annual Conference: 'Contestation of Expertise in the European Union' (Maastricht, donderdag 20 april 2017)
- Workshop: 'European Standardisation for Internal Market and its Constitutional Challenges' (Maastricht, donderdag 6 - vrijdag 7 april 2017)
- EU Equality Law as the ‘First’ Fundamental Rights Policy of the EU - Roundtables (Maastricht, dinsdag 4 april 2017)
- Studiemiddag: 'Staatssteun: de rechtspositie van steunverlenende overheden' (Leuven, vrijdag 31 maart 2017)
- The Law and Justice Across Borders Lecture: 'Post-Industrial Society and Private Law', by Guido Comparato (lecturer in commercial law at Brunel University London) (Amsterdam, maandag 20 maart 2017)
- Symposium: 'Nederland uit de EU: wat kost ons dat?'
Wat zijn de gevolgen van een eventueel uittreden van Nederland uit de EU voor het strafrecht, privaatrecht en de economie? (Maastricht, donderdag 9 maart 2017)
- The Law and Justice Across Borders Lecture Series: 'Private Law and Public Interests Global Value Chain Contracts and Social Clauses', by Lucinda Miller (senior lecturer at University College London) (Amsterdam, maandag 27 februari 2017)
- Conference: 'Improving Legal Research Methodologies' (Utrecht, vrijdag 17 februari 2017)
- Conference on Judge Made Risk Regulation (Utrecht, donderdag 9 en vrijdag 10 februari 2017)
- Ius Commune Promovendiopleiding 2016 - 2017: Foundations of Ius Commune (Maastricht, maandag 30 januari - woensdag 1 februari 2017)
- First Maastricht Private Law Lecture: 'Does the law of inheritance reflect cultural differences?', by Prof. Reinhard Zimmermann (director of the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg) (Maastricht, vrijdag 27 januari 2017)
Deze pagina's bevatten een overzicht van alle activiteiten die door, in samenwerking met of met steun van de Ius Commune Onderzoekschool worden georganiseerd.
Contacteer Mevr. M. Mullers, beheerder van de Onderzoekschool, voor meer informatie of om een activiteit in deze lijst op te nemen.