Mrs Prof E.I.L. Vos
Role(s)Programme Coordinator, Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy (Co-)Promotor of the Following Current PhD Research Projects- Mrs R. Aroso Duarte, The emergence of judicial passivism at the CJEU? In particular, the case-law on environmental protection and migration and asylum (1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr G. Bellenghi, EU emergency law and the constitutional design of EU competence (1/08/2023 - 31/07/2027)
- Mr A. Cuomo, What role for the ECBs monetary policymaking in the EU green transition? The ECBs institutional evolution between legal orthodoxy and economic contingencies (15/09/2022 - 14/09/2026)
- Mr R. Della Pia, Towards a European Health Union? The role of EU agencies in fostering EU health law (1/11/2021 - 31/10/2024)
- Mrs A. Halilovic, EU integrated border management: shared competences, shared responsibility, or shared administration? (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mr W.-C. Huang, Judicial Review of Science-Based Measures by the European Courts: Problems and Solutions (1/11/2011 - 31/10/2013)
- Mr L. Knuth, Legality review of EU decisions based on regulatory expert knowledge (1/05/2023 - 30/04/2029)
- Mrs A.M. Pleniceanu, Human rights in books versus human rights in action exploring the capabilities of the Fundamental Rights Agency and of the Council of Europe in bridging the gaps in the governance of EU fundamental rights (14/01/2021 - 13/12/2025)
- Mr A. Soroiu, A globalised European standardisation system: Tracing and addressing the challenges (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr P. Stamoulis, Labelling of Products and the Rules of the World Trade Organization (1/09/2004 - 31/08/2008)
- Mrs X. Xu, The Role of the Courts in the Field of Climate Change in China A legal study drawing inspiration from climate litigation developments in other jurisdictions (1/01/2021 - 31/12/2024)
(Co-)Promotor of the Following Defended PhD Dissertations- Mrs Dr Z. Xhaferri, Delegation of rulemaking powers to the European Commission: law and practice (PhD defence: Maastricht, 7/10/2020)
- Mrs Dr S. Röttger-Wirtz, The interplay of global standards and EU pharmaceutical regulation (PhD defence: Maastricht, 18/12/2017)
- Ms T. Yue, Harmonization and differentiation in environmental regulation: The EU experiences and its learning points for the international level (PhD defence: Maastricht, 30/06/2016)
- Dr F. Coman Kund, Agencification of EU External Relations: European Regulatory Agencies as Global Actors (PhD defence: Maastricht, 20/01/2016)
- Ms T. Ehnert, Regulating the Invisible: Law, Science and Accountability Concerns in the Governance of Nanotechnologies (PhD defence: Maastricht, 26/03/2015)
- Mr C.N. Syrier, Strengthening accountability in the European Union. The right of inquiry of the European Parliament (PhD defence: Maastricht, 11/04/2013)
- Mr M. Zinzani, Market integration through network governance: the role of European agencies and networks of regulators (PhD defence: Maastricht, 15/11/2012)
- Mrs M.M. Haritz, Liability law and the application of the precautionary principle with respect to climate change (PhD defence: Maastricht, 17/12/2010)
- Mr J. Zander, Different kinds op precaution - A comparative analysis of the application of the precautionary principle in five different legal orders (PhD defence: Maastricht, 17/04/2009)
- Mrs Prof M. Eliantonio, Europeanisation of Administrative Justice? The influence of the ECJ’s case law in Italy, Germany and England (PhD defence: Maastricht, 19/12/2008)
- Mr M.R.A.G. Wibisana, The Precautionary Principle: An Economic Analysis (PhD defence: Maastricht, 25/04/2008)
- Mrs M.E.D. Matthee, The Codex Alimentarius Commission and its standards (PhD defence: Maastricht, 26/10/2007)
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