Mrs Dr M.G.W.M. Peeters
Role(s)General Programme Coordinator, Transnational Environmental Law (Co-)Promotor of the Following Current PhD Research Projects(Co-)Promotor of the Following Defended PhD Dissertations- Mrs X. Chen, Towards an integrated environmental permit in China: A legal study based on EU regulatory experiences (PhD defence: Maastricht, 13/01/2023)
- Dr M.N. Müller, Transparent Enforcement: Access to information related to the monitoring and enforcement of EU environmental law (PhD defence: Maastricht, 28/06/2022)
- Mrs Dr S.A. Nóbrega, EU climate law through the lens of the Aarhus Convention: Access to environmental information and public participation in EU climate change decision making (PhD defence: Maastricht, 28/10/2020)
- Mrs A. Liu, Legal principles in co-existence of GM and non GM crops from the perspective of the European Union and the USA (PhD defence: Maastricht, 22/02/2019)
- Ms T. Yue, Harmonization and differentiation in environmental regulation: The EU experiences and its learning points for the international level (PhD defence: Maastricht, 30/06/2016)
- Dr J. de Cendra de Larragán, Distributional choices in climate change policy; in search of a legal framework (PhD defence: Maastricht, 4/03/2010)
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