Intellectuele eigendom
Doctoraten in voorbereiding- Mr. D. Bosscher, Octrooirecht
- Mw. G. Chapoupi, The role of European competition law in an IoT-enabled world. (1/12/2024 - 30/11/2029)
- Dhr. K. Jayaraman, Test Data Protection in India-Understanding and interpreting Articles 39 (1), (2) and (3) of the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement ) and correlating the same with (a) evolving dimensions in Life Sciences R&D (3/07/2012 - 2/07/2016)
- Mw. K. Jiang, Intellectual property provisions in mega-regional trade agreements in the perspective of food security (5/09/2023 - 4/09/2027)
- Mr. J. Koopman, Sharing nature and its biodiversity claims (1/11/2002 - 30/10/2006)
- Mw. X. Lin, The copyright protection of fictional characters (1/09/2016 - 31/05/2020)
- Mw. N. Naina, Balancing the quality of patents with effective enforcement of invalidity claims in the pharmaceutical industry in Europe (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2020)
- Mr. R.A.M. Quanjel-Scheurs, Onderzoek naar de leer met betrekking tot de (on)toelaatbaarheid van samenloop van auteursrecht en merkenrecht (1/06/2006 - 31/05/2010)
- Dhr. T. Renoux, A comparative approach to plants intellectual property rights (1/08/2012 - 31/07/2015)
- Mw. J. Da Silva Albino, Public-private partnership in intellectual property: how to manage intellectual property to achieve the renewable energy provision to developing countries (1/03/2013 - 28/02/2015)
- Mw. F. van der Stoel, Aansprakelijkheid voor de handhaving van intellectuele-eigendomsrechten: een rechtsvergelijkend perspectief (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2028)
- Mw. M. Vanderhaegen, Towards a balanced EU intellectual property framework that supports a well-functioning right to repair - breaking and fixing barriers (1/10/2023 - 30/09/2027)
- Mw. Q. Zhang, Can competition law address the panacea of exclusive music licensing? Policy approaches in EU, US and China (20/09/2023 - 31/05/2027)
PromotiesHet is mogelijk dat de onderzoekers uit onderstaande lijst lid waren van een ander programma op het ogenblik dat het onderzoek werd afgerond.- Dr. R.B. Bakels, The concept of "technology" in patent law (Maastricht, 25/04/2008)
- Mw. Dr. L.P.C. Belder, Ownership of cultural heritage (Utrecht, 27/09/2013)
- Mr. S. Bostyn, Enabling biotechnological inventions in Europe and the United States (Maastricht, 19/03/2001)
- Mw. Dr. F.J.R. Claessens, Intellectual Property and Developing Countries: Balancing Rights and Obligations (Maastricht, 25/11/2009)
- Dr. R.J.E.H. Creemers, Explaining Audiovisual Media Piracy in China through the Prism of Media Control (Maastricht, 2/02/2012)
- Mw. Dr. A. Gorbatyuk, Rethinking IP ownership in the context of open innovation (Leuven, 31/05/2019)
- Mw. Dr. L. Haworth, Comparative Intellectual Property (Surrey, 27/11/2013)
- Dhr. T. He, Justice in Fansubs: Copyright Law and Internet Commercial Model in China from a Cosmopolitan Liberal Perspective (Maastricht, 1/07/2016)
- Dhr. P. Honkasalo, Software Linking as Alteration: Framework for Assessment under the European Copyright Law (Surrey, 30/04/2012)
- Mw. N. Ismail, Intellectual Property Aspects and Nanotechnology (Newcastle, 21/09/2012)
- Mw. B.H. Jones, TRIPS and beyond: Intellectual Property Protection in Egypt (Newcastle, 26/06/2014)
- Mw. Dr. A. Keur, Intellectuele eigendomsrechten als verhaalsobject (verhaal van vorderingen door uitwinning van ie-rechten in Nederland) (Utrecht, 29/02/2016)
- Dr. S. Kulk, Een gebalanceerd en toekomstbestendig aansprakelijkheidsregime voor internettussenpersonen (Utrecht, 21/11/2018)
- Mw. Dr. T. Lu, Local famous trade marks in China: Towards a reasonable and appropriate governance (Maastricht, 8/11/2023)
- Dr. F.A. Massadeh, International norms and national enforcement of IP: time limits in the context of a right to fair trial in Jordan (Newcastle, 10/01/2013)
- Mw. Dr. A. Moerland-Dahrendorf, Internationale Bescherming van Intellectuele Eigendomsrechten: Multilaterale versus Bilaterale Regionale Benaderingen (Maastricht, 4/10/2013)
- Mw. K. Mohamed, Trademark Counterfeiting: A Comparative Legal Analysis on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and Border Measures (Newcastle, 15/12/2011)
- Dr. C.A.M. Mulder, Naar echte harmonisatie van het Verdrag inzake Octrooirecht in internationale, regionale en nationale octrooiwetten (Maastricht, 19/12/2011)
- Dr. D.B. Shabalala, Climate Change, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property (Maastricht, 15/10/2014)
- Mr. R. de Vrey, Harmonisatie van het recht inzake oneerlijke mededinging (Utrecht, 13/12/2005)
- Dhr. J. Wang, Enforcement of Copyright on the Internet (Maastricht, 12/10/2016)
- Dhr. S.-Y. Wang, Traditional knowledge protection and geographical indications (Newcastle, 19/10/2012)
- Dhr. P. Yaojin, Patenting Human Embryonic Stem Cell Related Inventions in China: A Comparative Perspective (Maastricht, 24/09/2018)
- Mw. Dr. E. van Zimmeren, The Balance between Patent & Competition Law Revisited in the Light of Public Health: Facilitating Access to and Use of Patents in Genetics by way of Patent Pools, Clearinghouses and/or Compulsory Licensing (Leuven, 16/05/2011)
Promotieprojecten per programma