Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy
Current PhD research- Mrs L. Van Acker, E-Distribution - Towards a vertical agreements framework fit for an environmentally sustainable and digital economy (2/01/2020 - 31/12/2023)
- Mrs R.B. Beems, The impact of institutional design on convergence of EU substantive law. A study into the growing convergence of the laws on free and fair competition, consumer protection and data protection. (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2021)
- Ms L.C.M. Brekhof, Rules on Economic Proof (1/11/2008 - 31/10/2012)
- Mrs C.V. Colonna, Sustainable EU agri-food law: critical perspectives (2/10/2023 - 30/09/2027)
- Mrs N. Colpaert, Mergers and abuse of dominance (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Dr F. Coman Kund (31/08/2013)
- Mr A. Cuomo, What role for the ECBs monetary policymaking in the EU green transition? The ECBs institutional evolution between legal orthodoxy and economic contingencies (15/09/2022 - 14/09/2026)
- Mr R. Della Pia, Towards a European Health Union? The role of EU agencies in fostering EU health law (1/11/2021 - 31/10/2024)
- Mr A.P.F. Devis, Using law to sustainably balance the expansion of offshore renewable energies in the North Sea: A panacea or utopia? (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr D.T.G. Droshout, De regulering van hoogtechnologische activiteiten in de 'risicomaatschappij'. Het samenspel van juridische instrumenten, technische voorschriften en standaarden in een complexe “regulerende mix”. (1/08/2007 - 31/12/2010)
- Mrs V. Druţă, Artificial intelligence in the judiciary (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2029)
- Mrs N. Dube, Demarginalizing Intersectionality within Non-Discrimination Law: Critically Analysing the EU Single-Axis Non-Discrimination Framework (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr M.G. van Esterik, Nature-based solutions: Negative emissions and biodiversity restoration (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr P.D. van Goinga (1/09/2019 - 30/07/2023)
- Mr J. Gruyters, The application of state aid law in the field of social security and social welfare (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs A. Halilovic, EU integrated border management: shared competences, shared responsibility, or shared administration? (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs A.L. Hardy, The EUs response to Mixed Migration movements policy making at a crossroad between Human Rights or migration management and border control (1/09/2010 - 31/08/2014)
- Mr W.-C. Huang, Judicial Review of Science-Based Measures by the European Courts: Problems and Solutions (1/11/2011 - 31/10/2013)
- Mrs M.L.W. Hubers, The protection of social rights in the context of cross-border company mobility in Europe (15/08/2019 - 14/08/2023)
- Mrs L.M.F. Hummel, Disruptive technologies and the impact on Modern Bigness: how should European competition law respond? (1/08/2020 - 31/07/2024)
- Mrs A.M. de Jong, Towards a better cultural heritage protection and regulation of the art market: A critical assessment of Regulation 2019880 on the import of cultural goods into the EU and the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (15/11/2020 - 14/11/2024)
- Mrs A. Joppe, The compatibility of labour law protection with algorithmic management (1/02/2022 - 31/01/2028)
- Mr T.A.J. Kelder, Comparing commerical and political advertising laws applicable to human ads on social media platforms (1/02/2023 - 31/01/2027)
- Mr K. Klinger, The rule of law in private regulatory settings within the EU context: Developing a constitutional-proof institutional design for private regulatory mechanisms at Union level (1/10/2016 - 31/07/2020)
- Mrs H.M.A. van der Kroef, Multilingual Legal Knowledge Graphs to assist in EU Law-Making (20/09/2020 - 19/09/2024)
- Mrs L.F. Lalíková, Modern Bigness: Challenges for European Competition Law (MOBI) (1/08/2020 - 31/07/2024)
- Mr A.G.S. Laschet, The application of EU-law on cross-border healthcare in the Netherlands: a legal and empirical analysis (1/05/2022 - 30/04/2028)
- Mrs D.L. Martínez Lorenzo, The impact of public procurement law on horizontal and vertical teaming of economic operators in construction projects. Reconciling effective and undistorted competition and the free market (1/09/2018 - 31/08/2022)
- Mrs J. Montero Regules, Freedom of expression endangered in the digital age? A critical legal analysis of the regulation of online hate speech in Europe (1/10/2019 - 30/09/2023)
- Mrs D. Nikolakopoulou, Institutional inefficiency as a violation of international and EU law on workplace sexual harassment (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
- Mr N. Parthenopoulos, Cross-border access to social security in EU Member States: Securing social protection for families (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr F.A.J. Peerboom, Targeting states and victimising non-state actors. A legal scrutiny of instrumentalised migration to the EU and beyond (1/05/2022 - 30/04/2028)
- Mrs D. Petropoulou Ionescu, Transparency and participation in the EU soft law making process in European environmental regulation (15/08/2022 - 14/08/2025)
- Mr GLH van Rosmalen, Collective bargaining in current competition law (1/09/2022 - 31/05/2026)
- Mr A. Soroiu, A globalised European standardisation system: Tracing and addressing the challenges (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr O. Spijkers, The United Nations and the Evolution of Global Values (1/02/2006 - 31/05/2010)
- Mr P. Stamoulis, Labelling of Products and the Rules of the World Trade Organization (1/09/2004 - 31/08/2008)
- Mr T. Tang, The Application of Consumer Choice in Competition Law Regulation of Internet Industry (1/12/2012 - 30/11/2015)
- Mr R.L.N. Tans, Five years after the migration crisis: how successful have the European and national frameworks been in integrating migrants in the labour market and providing them with access to education? (1/01/2021 - 31/12/2024)
- Mr W. Vandermeulen, Medieval scholastics, German ordoliberalism and EU Competition Law; a History of Ideas (1/09/2021 - 30/06/2027)
- Mr T.J. Verdonk, Market power in agribusiness: An antitrust perspective (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2021)
- Mrs M. Verhagen, Industrial citizenship: the relationship between individual and collective citizenship of employees (1/09/2016 - 31/08/2010)
- Mrs I.M. de Waal, The relation between the European chemicals, product and waste legislation in the light of stimulating the transition towards a circular economy (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mr J.J. van Zanden, Consumentenbescherming voor pensioendeelnemer (15/06/2020 - 14/06/2024)
- Mrs K. Zheng, The use of competition soft law in the digital society: A comparative legal analysis of China and the EU (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
PhD DefencesIt is possible that the researchers below were a member of another research programme when carrying out their PhD research.- Mrs Dr V. Abazi, Secrecy and Oversight in the European Union: The Law and Practice of Classified Information (Amsterdam, 11/12/2015)
- Mrs M. Aelen, European principles of good market supervision (Utrecht, 26/09/2014)
- Mrs A. Aschieri, Public-private partnerships and sustainable development in the European Union. Another reason to foster the promotion of PPPs as viable alternatives in the delivery of public services and infrastructures (Maastricht, 7/02/2018)
- Mrs Dr A.K.J. Bolz, A Regulatory Framework for the Art Market? Authenticity, Forgeries and the Role of Art Experts (Maastricht, 23/10/2019)
- Dr F. Bostoen, The new gatekeepers: abuse of dominance in the platform economy (Leuven, 10/05/2021)
- Mrs Dr G. Bouwman, The organisation of (public) social sector services within the EU. Facing the future by a legal framework that stimulates innovation? (Utrecht, 29/09/2022)
- Mrs N. Büttgen, Towards an innovative framework for employment protection (Maastricht, 20/12/2017)
- Dr N. Cambien, Citizenship of the Union as a cornerstone of European integration: a study of its impact on policies and competences of the Member States (Leuven, 18/11/2011)
- Dr S. Carrera Nuñez, In search of the perfect Citizen? The intersection between integration, immigration and nationality in the EU (Maastricht, 31/10/2008)
- Mr S. Charitakis, The challenges and consequences for the European Union of the implications of the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, with a focus on accessibility (Maastricht, 11/10/2018)
- Dr S.J.F.J. Claessens, Free Movement of Lawyers and the Future of the Legal Profession (Maastricht, 18/12/2008)
- Dr F. Coman Kund, Agencification of EU External Relations: European Regulatory Agencies as Global Actors (Maastricht, 20/01/2016)
- Mrs Dr K. Cseres, Consumer protection and competition law (Utrecht, 29/09/2004)
- Mrs Prof S.K. Dura, Mobilising Social Rights: Usages and Effects of the European Pillar of Social Rights (Amsterdam, 28/03/2023)
- Ms T. Ehnert, Regulating the Invisible: Law, Science and Accountability Concerns in the Governance of Nanotechnologies (Maastricht, 26/03/2015)
- Mrs Dr K.B. Eisele, The External Dimension of an EU Migration Policy (Maastricht, 16/05/2013)
- Dr M.J. Frese, Decentralized enforcement of EC competition law (Amsterdam, 22/11/2012)
- Mrs Prof A. Gerbrandy, Convergentie in het mededingingsrechtelijke bestuursprocesrecht in het licht van effectieve rechtsbescherming (Utrecht, 22/09/2009)
- Mrs Dr V. Golunova, Silenced by default? Algorithmic content moderation and freedom of expression in the European Union (Maastricht, 22/04/2024)
- Mrs Dr J.J.M. Graat, The European Arrest Warrant and EU Citizenship (Utrecht, 18/03/2022)
- Mr A.C.C. Groenen, Tackling the illicit traffic in cultural property through private law means an analysis of the 1995 Unidroit Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects to Cultural Property Theft (Maastricht, 2/10/2018)
- Mrs Dr K. Hamenstädt, The Margin of Appreciation in European Expulsion Decisions (Maastricht, 10/07/2015)
- Mrs M.M. Haritz, Liability law and the application of the precautionary principle with respect to climate change (Maastricht, 17/12/2010)
- Dr H.J. van Harten, Autonomie van de nationale rechter in het Europees recht (Amsterdam, 1/07/2011)
- Mr P.D. Hildebrand, Private enforcement in the European Union and the United States. A comparative analysis of the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, France and the United States in the light of the Directive on Antitrust Damages (Maastricht, 1/05/2017)
- Mr A. Hoogenboom, Free movement of students in and to the European Union (Maastricht, 18/10/2016)
- Mr M.R. Hübner, Differentiated EU legislation and its impact on enforcement (Utrecht, 20/09/2024)
- Dr P. Jansen, From policy to law? Industrial policy under European Union law (Leuven, 15/01/2018)
- Mrs M. Kajić, Mind the gaps! – Legislative means of incentivizing a circular food system (Utrecht, 15/03/2024)
- Mrs Dr L.S.J. Kortese, The recognition of qualifications in the EU: blurring the lines of competences between the internal market and education (Maastricht, 28/05/2020)
- Mrs S. Li, Conflict and Compromise: Internationalization of Competition Law and Chinas Participation (Maastricht, 6/12/2019)
- Mrs Dr Q. Li, AI-enabled Price Discrimination: A Competition Law Perspective (Maastricht, 26/03/2024)
- Mr K. Lubina, Contested Cultural Property - The Return of Nazi Spoliated Art and Human Remains from Public Collections (Maastricht, 25/11/2009)
- Dr N. Meershoek, Sovereignty and Interdependence in EU Military Procurement Regulation (Utrecht, 12/06/2023)
- Dr A.P. van der Mei, Free movement of persons within the European Community – Cross-Border access to public benefits (Maastricht, 28/06/2001)
- Mrs Dr P. Melin, The external dimension of EU social security coordination: Towards a common EU approach (Maastricht, 2/07/2018)
- Dr T.P. Mennicken, Game of pleas. An empirical analysis of the pleas raised in recent EU competition law cases (Maastricht, 16/10/2019)
- Mrs Dr M. Mol, Horizontal Direct Effect of General Principles of EU law (Maastricht, 2/10/2014)
- Mrs Dr C. Molinari, Going all out to manage migration : a constitutional analysis of the EU Readmission Policy (Leuven, 6/10/2022)
- Mrs V. Morozovaite, Hypernudging strategies in the digital market economy: a role for European competition law? (Utrecht, 17/01/2024)
- Mrs Dr E.C. van Ooij, Highly Mobile Workers and the Coordination of Social Security in the EU – Opening and Closing Pandora’s Box (Maastricht, 29/09/2022)
- Mrs Dr P.S. Phoa, EU Law as a Creative Process - A hermeneutic approach for the EU internal market and fundamental rights protection (Utrecht, 29/10/2021)
- Dr M. Provera, The Detention of Asylum Seekers in Australia and the European Union - A Comparative Analysis (Maastricht, 16/05/2013)
- Mrs M.P.M. Rijsbergen, EU agencies’ Soft Rule-Making: Lessons learnt from the European Securities and Markets Authority (Utrecht, 6/06/2018)
- Mrs C. Rosca, Digital arms for digital harms. Mapping technical and legal solutions for dark patterns in EU consumer law (Maastricht, 2/12/2024)
- Mrs Dr S. Röttger-Wirtz, The interplay of global standards and EU pharmaceutical regulation (Maastricht, 18/12/2017)
- Mrs Dr S.L.T. Schoenmaekers, The Regulation of Architects in the European Union. A Comparative Law and Economic Analysis (Maastricht, 14/10/2010)
- Mr G. Shen, The freedom of establishment and the freedom of services in the EU and China (Maastricht, 30/06/2016)
- Mrs M. Shi, The divestiture remedy under merger control in the EU, US and China: a comparative law and economics analysis (Maastricht, 3/10/2017)
- Mrs T. Si, Regulation and implementation of public-private partnerships: A comparative analysis of public-private partnerships in the legal regimes of China and the EU (Maastricht, 30/01/2023)
- Mrs Z.D. Vankova, Circular migration from the Eastern neighbourhood to the EU. The rights of migration works in Bulgaria and Poland (Maastricht, 27/06/2018)
- Mrs I.E.L.E. Wendt, The Tension between Rules Regulating the (Liberal) Professions and EC Competition Law - Reason and Passion in discussing professional regulation in EC competition law (Maastricht, 8/12/2009)
- Mrs Dr A. Wiesbrock, Legal migration to the European Union and the conflicting goals of integration and circularity (Maastricht, 25/11/2009)
- Mrs Q. Wu, Tying in digital platforms under the competition legal framework in China and the EU: A comparative law and economics perspective (Maastricht, 28/02/2023)
- Mrs Dr Z. Xhaferri, Delegation of rulemaking powers to the European Commission: law and practice (Maastricht, 7/10/2020)
- Dr D. Yabasun, The common European asylum system: Vulnerable asylum applicants (Maastricht, 3/10/2019)
- Mr J. Zander, Different kinds op precaution - A comparative analysis of the application of the precautionary principle in five different legal orders (Maastricht, 17/04/2009)
- Mrs Dr E.L. van der Zee, Regulating sustainable food standards in the EU and WTO: perspectives from law and consumer science (Wageningen, 7/03/2018)
- Mr M. Zinzani, Market integration through network governance: the role of European agencies and networks of regulators (Maastricht, 15/11/2012)
PhD Projects by Programme