Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order
Current PhD research- Mr J. Akkermans, Insolvency of banks and governments: An integrated constitutional and economics analysis of those mechanisms that smother the triggers to insolvency of banks and governments (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2023)
- Mrs A. Bazrafkan, Do international investment agreements promote good governance in developing countries? (1/06/2017 - 31/05/2021)
- Mr G.F. Chianale, WTO-compatibility of state measures affecting the importation and exportation of oil and gas (1/10/2008 - 30/09/2012)
- Mrs S. Chobanova, The WTO and the Brics: towards a transnational legal culture? (1/11/2012 - 31/10/2016)
- Mrs E. De Clercq, The right to property and environmental protection, towards true integration? (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mr T. De Cuyper, Foreign Direct Investment Screening and the Commitment to Maintain an Open Investment Climate (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr P. Daem, The Entrenchment of Economic Freedom (15/10/2020 - 14/10/2024)
- Mr S.B.A.S. Feyen, Towards a theory of European constitutional interpretation. A transatlantic dialogue (1/10/2010 - 1/12/2014)
- Mrs D.F. Georgoula, Safeguarding the effectiveness of the judiciarys role in legal regime for the oceans: charting a course between judicial restraint and judicial activism (1/10/2019 - 30/09/2023)
- Mr J. Goco, An economic analysis of the WTO's dispute settlement mechanism (1/01/2005 - 31/12/2008)
- Mrs M.B. Gracia, Rethinking the international law framework for the transition of developing countries to an inclusive circular economy in plastics (1/09/2023 - 31/08/2027)
- Mrs S.A.M. Harleman, Intelligence and Law (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Dr I.J.D. Hillebrand Pohl, Financial transaction taxes and the right of free transfer and convertibility under international investment law (1/09/2013 - 31/08/2019)
- Mrs D. Huang, The Expansive Application of Rules of Transboundary Harm beyond International Environmental Law (30/08/2021 - 30/06/2025)
- Mrs I. Jennekens, Towards an international legal framework for sovereign debt restructuring: Evidence from law and economics, and debates on country classification (1/06/2023 - 31/05/2024)
- Mrs Y.Y. Jing, China and the Oceans Order From an International Law Perspective (1/09/2013 - 31/08/2017)
- Mrs A. de Leo, EUs Shifting Borders- Scrutinizing Externalization of Migration Management and International Protection Responsibilities (15/06/2020 - 14/06/2024)
- Mrs E. Malathouni, How to Free and Restrain Sovereign Wealth Funds?: the Role of Law in Striking a Balance (1/03/2010 - 28/02/2014)
- Mr M.L. Munu, Trade negotiations and e-commerce: An analysis of their impact for micro, small and medium enterprises growth in African countries (1/11/2019 - 31/10/2023)
- Mrs D.R. Natakusumah, The liberalization aand the need of Emergency Safeguard Mechanism for developing member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) (1/09/2008 - 31/08/2012)
- Mrs D. Nidel, Joint Investigation Teams - Effective Institutions for Cross-border Law Enforcement? (1/02/2021 - 31/01/2025)
- Ms W. Noordhoek, Fair trade and ethical labels in the European Union and the WTO -what regulatory design? (1/10/2010 - 30/09/2014)
- Mrs N.R. Okany, State Responsibility in International Law for Unlawful Conduct of Quasi-Public and Private Entities Exercising Governmental Authority (1/01/2013 - 31/05/2017)
- Mr E. Omičević, EU AFSJ agencies and related bodies as global actors in the fight against crime: accountability for fundamental rights violations (27/01/2020 - 26/01/2024)
- Mrs T.I. Oost, Development of international customary law on restitution of stolen cultural goods (1/04/2009 - 31/03/2013)
- Mr A. Ortega Navarro, Economic sanctions in international law: drawing the line between enforcement, coercion and intervention (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr H.K. Özkonak, The Legality of Unilateral Coercive Measures Within a Normative Framework - The Four-Step Verification Method (Legal Ground, Limitation, Termination and Surveillance) (15/03/2020 - 14/03/2024)
- Mrs M. De Ridder, EU electoral law in need of uniformity? A comparative analysis of EU electoral law and US electoral law in
light of democratic legitimacy (16/03/2020 - 15/03/2024)
- Mrs M. Ruelens, Chinas Impact on the Development of International Law. A Study of Chinas State Practice in the United
Nations Security Council (1/09/2020 - 31/08/2024)
- Mr M.C. Sati, Lethal use of weaponized artificial intelligence and the law of armed conflict: Legal and ethical perspectives (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2023)
- Mr F. Spera, The use of soft-law in regulating the external action of the EU: to what extent the Union is contributing to the creation of the international soft law? (15/01/2020 - 31/01/2024)
- Mrs Y.H. Tran, Trans-boundary Fisheries Management Cooperation in the South China Sea: An International Law Perspective (1/03/2014 - 28/02/2018)
- Mrs T.M. Vieira da Silva Cabrita, The EUs contribution to the consolidation and development of international norms at the ILC (1/09/2017 - 31/08/2021)
- Mrs M. Wang, Post-conflict Peacebuilding under International Environmental Law: A Focus on Transboundary Watercourses and Aquifers (1/09/2021 - 31/08/2025)
PhD DefencesIt is possible that the researchers below were a member of another research programme when carrying out their PhD research.- Mrs Dr I. Alexovicova, Independence and Impartiality of the International and European Civil Service (Maastricht, 4/07/2012)
- Mr S. Amoozeidi, The WTO dispute settlement system as a legal impediment to Iran's accession to the WTO (Maastricht, 28/06/2017)
- Mrs A. Berman, The accountability of Transnational Regulatory Organizations (Geneve, 20/06/2014)
- Dr C.M. Brölmann, The Institutional Veil in Public International Law: International Organisations and the Law of Treaties (Amsterdam, 22/04/2005)
- Dr A.H. Cáceres Solari, Modern insurgency warfare’s incompatibility with the Principle of Distinction (Maastricht, 16/04/2024)
- Mrs S. Cartier, Institutionalization of International Justice (Maastricht, 21/11/2012)
- Mrs L.C. Clarke, The Emergence of Global Public-Private Partnerships within the International Constitutional Order (Amsterdam, 12/10/2012)
- Mrs Dr E. Cloots, The role of national identity in the adjudication of EU law (Leuven, 31/05/2013)
- Mr N.F. Coelho, Extraterritorial jurisdiction in the law of the sea: Unilateral quests for universality (Utrecht, 12/02/2019)
- Mrs N.L. Dobson, Extraterritoriality in International Law: The Case of EU Climate Protection (Utrecht, 5/06/2018)
- Dr C. Eggett, General Principles as Systemic Elements of International Law (Maastricht, 12/04/2021)
- Dr S.X. Espinosa Velasco, Ecuador and international investment law and policy: Between constitutional sovereignty and state responsibility (Maastricht, 29/03/2019)
- Dr N. Giannopoulos, International Law and Offshore Energy Production (Utrecht, 2/11/2020)
- Dr M.E.A. Goodwin, The Romani Claim to Non-territorial Nation Status (Florence, 3/07/2006)
- Mrs Dr F.A. Haijer, Corporate crime conundrums and globalization. Transnational anti-corruption enforcement in the Netherlands and the United States of America, 2001-2017 (Utrecht, 20/12/2021)
- Dr S.J. Hollenberg, The emergence of an international value system and the re-establishing of (domestic) legal control over the exercise of international public power directed at private individuals (Amsterdam, 11/06/2013)
- Dr A.N. Honniball, Extraterritorial Port State Measures: The basis and limits of unilateral port state jurisdiction to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (Utrecht, 13/03/2019)
- Mrs L. Inigo Alvarez, Towards a regime of responsibility of armed groups in international law (Utrecht, 2/12/2019)
- Dr B.P. Kerr, Climate Obligations for International Shipping (Utrecht, 25/06/2024)
- Mr L.R. Kiestra, The impact of the ECHR on private international law (Amsterdam, 2/07/2013)
- Mrs K. Kindji Gaspard, WTO role in the protection of small African food producers access to international market: case study of shrimps export in Benin (Maastricht, 12/06/2015)
- Ms C.E. Koops, The effectiveness of (non-)infringement procedures in the EU and other international organizations. (Amsterdam, 13/03/2014)
- Mr A. Kudryavtsev, Private-Sector Standards under WTO Law (Maastricht, 2/09/2015)
- Dr G.E.T. Lautenbach, International law and the rule of law in European states -
the possible complementarity of international rule of law standards (Amsterdam, 27/01/2012)
- Mrs Dr Y. Levashova, The Right of States to Regulate in their Public Interest and the Right of Investors to Receive Fair and Equitable Treatment: The search for a balance in treaties and cases on international investment law (Utrecht, 5/12/2018)
- Mrs Dr S.J. McGibbon, Non-state effective territorial entities: A critical appraisal of international legal capacity and responsibility (Maastricht, 11/07/2023)
- Mr A. Memeti, The Republic of Kosovo and the WTO: On the Road to Accession (Maastricht, 13/11/2013)
- Mrs N.M. Mendis, National policy space in the WTO general agreement on trade in services: With special reference to public health services (Maastricht, 18/06/2020)
- Dr F. Naert, The European security architecture from an international perspective. Reality, potential and limits (Leuven, 22/11/2008)
- Mrs Dr D. Prévost, Balancing Trade and health in the SPS Agreement: The Development Dimension (Maastricht, 7/05/2009)
- Dr S. van de Put, Accountability for human rights violations by UN peacekeepers: A legal and theoretical perspective (Maastricht, 12/09/2023)
- Mrs Dr R.J. Roland Holst, Change in the Law of the Sea: Context, Mechanisms and Practice (Utrecht, 5/10/2020)
- Mrs I. Rossi, Legal Status of Non-Governmental Organisations in International Law (Leuven, 8/12/2009)
- Prof C.M. Ryngaert, Extraterritorial jurisdiction in the United States and Europe: A quest for reasonableness (Leuven, 12/02/2007)
- Mrs Dr K. Shang, WTO law on export restrictions on trade in goods: the rejected stone or the cornerstone? (Maastricht, 4/07/2017)
- Mrs D. Sinopoli, Sword and shield? The impact of WTO law on the extraterritorial effect of sanitary and phytosanitary measures (Wageningen, 19/06/2018)
- Mrs Dr S. Thin, Beyond Bilateralism: A Theory of State Responsibility for Breaches of Non-Bilateral Obligations (Maastricht, 5/10/2022)
- Dr A. Vandaele, International Labour Rights and the Social Clause: Friends or Foes?
A Theoretical and Legal Analysis with Particular Attention to GATT Article XX (Leuven, 31/10/2003)
- Mrs L. Visser, The Legal Framework of Intervention by Invitation (Maastricht, 12/04/2023)
- Mr C. Wang, The status of Tibet in international law. From the 1840s to the 1950s (Utrecht, 22/11/2021)
- Mrs Dr I. Willemyns, Regulatory cooperation at the multilateral, plurilateral and European Level in an era of international services markets, applied to a case-study of digital services (Leuven, 5/10/2019)
- Mrs C. Yu, The regulation of 'modern' ocean data collection activities under UNCLOS. With a focus on the marine scientific research regime (Utrecht, 9/02/2021)
- Mrs C. Zhao, The dispute settlement mechanism in a China-EU free trade and investment agreement (Maastricht, 14/12/2020)
- Mr M. Zoetekouw, Enforcement Jurisdiction on the Internet – Caught Between Clay and Cloud (Utrecht, 21/06/2024)
PhD Projects by Programme