Liability and Insurance
Current PhD research- Mrs R.S.M. Bosch, Medical self-determination in liability law (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr S. van Deursen, Macro effects in and of civil liability law and administrative law (1/02/2020 - 31/01/2024)
- Mr S.B.J. Van Eekert, Environmental fear damage from an interdisciplinary perspective (1/10/2021 - 24/09/2031)
- Mrs E.S. Engelhard, Improving the Process of Handling Personal Injury Claims in the Netherlands: A Comparative Research (1/09/2014 - 31/08/2018)
- Ms C.I. Garcia, Decision Making in Consumer and Mortgage Credit Transactions: Insights from Cognitive Psychology and Analysis on the Efficacy of European Information Remedies Policy Trends in Order to Improve Quality of Contractual Choice (15/04/2009 - 14/04/2013)
- Mrs M. de Groot, Compensation for costs of care. Challenges at the interface of civil liability law and the public health care system (1/09/2019 - 31/08/2024)
- Mrs T.A. Hekster, De aansprakelijkheid voor onroerende zaken - artt. 6:162 en 6:174 BW nader belicht (1/05/2000 - 31/12/2008)
- Mr C.O. Hoekstra, Societal norm formation and its influence on the unwritten duty of care under Article 6:162 section 2 of the Dutch Civil Code (1/04/2020 - 30/04/2024)
- Mrs D.S. Kroese, Zorgvuldigheidsnormen en zorgplichten in het buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheidsrecht (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr D. van Maurik, Risk regulation through non-contractual liability law in the context of climate change (15/05/2021 - 14/05/2025)
- Mrs A.M. Overheul, Publiek gefinancierde compensatiesystemen (1/02/2020 - 31/01/2024)
- Mr L. Van Roy, The ability-to-pay principle in liability and criminal law (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2028)
- Mr E.V. van der Schee, Liability as incentive for prevention of work-related health risks? (1/10/2010 - 30/09/2014)
- Mrs N.A. Schipper, Fundamentals of redress for victims of crime through criminal proceedings (15/10/2017 - 15/06/2021)
- Mrs A.I. Schreuder, Fault and damages: the influence of (the degree of) fault on the size of damage (awards) (1/09/2015 - 31/08/2019)
- Mr J. van der Tang, Financing of class actions (1/03/2020 - 29/02/2024)
- Mr I. Val, The Code of Computer Intelligence for sustainable agriculture (1/09/2022 - 31/08/2026)
- Mr B.T. Verdam, Tort law and its regulatory functions in relation to new risks (1/01/2020 - 31/12/2023)
- Mrs J.H.G. Verweij-Hoogendijk, Interfamilial immunity to liability? The role of family relationships in tort law and insurance (law) (15/08/2019 - 14/08/2024)
- Mrs A. de Vries, Liability for intermediaries (1/09/2014 - 31/08/2018)
- Mr J. Wassink, Legal causation and norm relativity: establishing (the scope of) liability for fault (1/01/2021 - 31/12/2026)
- Mrs A.H.H. Wouters, The role of the Dutch government in delivering collective redress for consumers (1/02/2020 - 31/01/2024)
- Mrs I. van der Zalm, Het recht op schadevergoeding bij overlijden Zorgt het aansprakelijkheidsrecht adequaat voor nabestaanden? (1/01/2016)
PhD DefencesIt is possible that the researchers below were a member of another research programme when carrying out their PhD research.- Mrs Dr F.M. Auvray, (Un)lawfulness within (state) liability (Leuven, 28/04/2023)
- Dr A. Biard, Judges & Mass Litigation - a Law & Economics Perspective (Rotterdam, 15/12/2014)
- Dr T.R. Bleeker, Directors liability for environmental damage (Utrecht, 3/12/2021)
- Dr C. Borucki, Tort law and cost recovery by public authorities (Leuven, 30/06/2022)
- Mrs Dr V. Bruggeman, Financial Compensation for Victims after Catastrophes (Maastricht, 4/03/2010)
- Dr M. van Dam, Verkeersongevallen (Maastricht, 14/12/2001)
- Mrs L. Deben, De optimale inrichting van de administratieve verkeersboete in strafrechtelijk en bestuursrechtelijk perspectief (Maastricht, 21/12/2007)
- Mr G. Dominioni, Neuro-, behavioral and experimental economics and the law of torts (Rotterdam, 9/03/2018)
- Dr E.G.D. van Dongen, The consequences of contributory negligence for delictual liability in historical perspective (Maastricht, 18/06/2013)
- Mrs Dr J.M. Emaus, Limiteringsmechanismen in het burgerlijk recht (Utrecht, 15/02/2013)
- Mrs Dr E.F.D. Engelhard, Regres; een onderzoek naar het regresrecht van Particuliere en sociale schadedragers (Maastricht, 3/10/2003)
- Mrs Dr L.F.H. Enneking, Foreign Direct Liability and Beyond - Exploring the Role of Tort Law in Promoting International Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability (Utrecht, 11/05/2012)
- Mrs E.C. Gijselaar, Positive obligations imposed by the European Court of Human Rights and their influence on Dutch liability law (Utrecht, 15/10/2021)
- Dr P. Gillaerts, The role of the Belgian declaratory action in the pursuit of non-compensatory goals of extra-contractual liability law (Leuven, 19/06/2020)
- Dr Van Gool, Product Liability in a More Circular Economy: a study of liability for alternative methods of distributing and producing durable consumer goods (Leuven, 9/09/2024)
- Mrs A. Guerra, Tort Law and Economics: Theoretical versus Empirical Approach (Rotterdam, 8/12/2015)
- Mrs Dr A. Gutierrez Raymondova, Taxonomy of non-pecuniary losses in English tort law: normative losses and Consequential losses as organising concepts (Edinburgh, 31/07/2021)
- Dr M.R. Hebly, Damage assessment and time (Rotterdam, 27/06/2019)
- Mr W. Hu, An Economic and Comparative Research on a Regulatory Compliance (Permit) Defense (Rotterdam, 25/04/2013)
- Mrs Dr M. Jiang, Civil liability and compensation for pollution damage caused by offshore facilities: the United States and China (Maastricht, 23/11/2022)
- Prof E.R. de Jong, Individual and corporate responsibility for societal and environmental damage (Utrecht, 3/06/2016)
- Mrs Dr V. Karapanou, A Law and Economic Analysis of Damages for Nonpecuniary Losses in Cases of Personal Injuries and Fatal Accidents (Rotterdam, 31/01/2013)
- Mrs Dr E.N.F.M. de Kezel, Vergoeding van gezondheidsschade veroorzaaakt door asbestblootstelling in rechtsvergelijkend verband (Utrecht, 13/05/2013)
- Mrs F. Leucci, Law and economics of environmental damage assessment (Rotterdam, 19/06/2024)
- Dr N. Margetson, The liability of the carrier for cargo damage under the Hague (Visby) Rules (Amsterdam, 15/05/2008)
- Mrs Dr R.C. Meurkens, Punitive Damages. The Civil Remedy in American Law, Lessons and Caveats for Continental Europe (Maastricht, 19/12/2014)
- Mrs E. Nordin, Punitive elements in contract law and the law of obligations (Antwerpen, 25/09/2014)
- Mr A.D. On, Strict liability and the aims of tort law. A doctrinal, comparative, and normative study of strict liability regimes (Maastricht, 1/12/2020)
- Mrs Dr B.M. Paijmans, The liability (duty of care) of schools pertaining to students, parents and third parties (Utrecht, 17/05/2013)
- Dr N.J. Philipsen, Regulation of and by Pharmacists in the Netherlands and Belgium: An Economic Approach (Maastricht, 11/12/2003)
- Mrs Prof R. Rijnhout, Pecuniary loss of secundairy victims: a search for new frontiers (Utrecht, 1/06/2012)
- Mr A. Romano, Quantum Tort Law (Rotterdam, 7/12/2015)
- Mrs Dr F.M. Ruitenbeek-Bart, But What About the Tortfeasor? An empirical-legal study on Tortfeasors in the Personal Injury Cases (Rotterdam, 26/05/2023)
- Mrs Prof I. Samoy, Middellijke vertegenwoordiging (Leuven, 25/05/2005)
- Prof J.L. Smeehuijzen, De bevrijdende verjaring (Amsterdam, 2/06/2008)
- Mr F. Sobczak, Liability for asbestos related injuries and the role of experts in a comparative perspective (Maastricht, 17/01/2013)
- Mrs Dr N. Stroobants, Access to health insurance: the collection and processing of data by insurers influenced by modern technology (Leuven, 17/01/2024)
- Ms L. Tilindyte, Safety regulation and the prevention of work-related accidents. An economic comparative approach (Maastricht, 26/10/2012)
- Dr W. Vandenbussche, Deviations from the principles of the burden of proof in tort law (Leuven, 24/05/2017)
- Mrs M.S.A. Vegter, Vergoeding van psychisch letsel door de werkgever (Amsterdam, 26/09/2005)
- Prof A.J. Verheij, Vergoeding van immateriële schade wegens aantasting in de persoon (Amsterdam, 26/03/2002)
- Mrs D.J. Verheij, Credit rating agency liability in Europe (Leiden, 28/01/2021)
- Mrs Prof F. Weber, Towards an optimal mix of public and private enforcement in consumer law (Rotterdam, 28/06/2012)
- Ms A. Wilken, Medical aspects in personal injury cases (Amsterdam, 9/10/2015)
- Mrs S.N.P. Wiznitzer, Defensive medicine in the Netherlands: the effects of the legal system of liability on the professional behavior of internists and gynaecologists (Utrecht, 9/07/2021)
- Mrs Y. Yan, A Changing Landscape of Road Traffic Liability in China: A View from Law and Economics (Maastricht, 14/09/2018)
- Mr X. Yu, Preventing Medical Malpractice and Compensating Victimized Patients in China: a Law and Economics Perspective (Maastricht, 15/02/2017)
PhD Projects by Programme